Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Photo: The Inquisitor
Alex Smith, Jay Cutler, and Michael Vick suffer concussions in yesterdays games but the suits in the commissioner's office will argue that they are working to protect their players. I don't think a penalty flag is enough to keep those defensemen from passing on an open shot when it is their job to be on their toes and anticipating at all times. A guy on the radio broadcast I was listening to last night made an interesting point about going back to leather helmets. He was 100% sarcastic, but I thought on the idea.

Photo: The Costarican Times
Players now use their helmets no different than they would a club or bat. They use the hard object they are equipped with the connect thunderous blows to their opponents in a reckless fashion. The revolutionary technology of protecting a player's head has quickly backfired and has been turned into a weapon.

I know it sounds stupid when talking about protecting the heads of football players, but think about how it would be if you take the helmets out of the equation. Gang tackling and arm tackling would come back into play. Rugby players do it. I do know that injuries would still be apparent like in rugby, but you can't say it isn't food for thought. Sure it doesn't provide the fans with the much anticipated thunderous boom that echoes in the stadiums, but if we are legitimately concerned with protecting the players then we must admit that the current helmets are used more so as a weapon than a shield.

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